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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1293 notmyfault 'Unknown error while loading configuration' when identifying l.bernhardt@…

First time start of bitlbee works just fine, however when restarting bitlbee there seems to be en error with it loading the saved config.

The config is written correctly to /var/lib/bitlbee/lenny.xml. I even chmod 777d the whole directory to make sure it's not a permission issue.

#1292 alreadydoingthat support multiple hipchat servers stgarf

currently is hardcoded in bitlbee. If you use a self-hosted hipchat server however, this is not good (granted, I worked around by editing jabber.c and recompiling oh so long ago). Further, if you want to connect to _multiple_ hipchat servers, this isn't possible.

Please make this configurable, and please allow us to specify the server address, and please allow multiple hipchat (different) server connections.

#1291 fixed /away "status message" not set on XMPP digitalcircuit


As of BitlBee 3.5.1+20170406+master+10-g0515063-git, setting away status for XMPP accounts does not include the away message.

This worked several months ago; unfortunately I'm not sure exactly when.

Test case

account jabber set away "Message"

Verify via another Jabber account that it is set away and has the status message Message.

Currently, Bitlbee incorrectly only sets away state, not the actual message, as verified by _xmlconsole.

account jabber set -del away

Verify via another Jabber account that it is no longer away.

Conversation from #bitlbee

<digitalcircuit> dx: What XEP does Bitlbee use to set /away Some message here?  It's not working on my Prosody setup and I'm trying to find what module to enable.
<dx> pretty sure that's core stuff
<digitalcircuit> Any idea what might break it?
<digitalcircuit> It sets Away, but the message doesn't show up.
<dx> dunno, have you verified that they are sent with xmlconsole?
<digitalcircuit> doesn't align with , might want to update the former to mention "_xmlconsole" instead of "xmlconsole"...
<digitalcircuit> <_xmlconsole> TX: <presence><priority>25</priority><show>away</show><c xmlns="" node="" ver="3.5.1+20170406+master+10-g0515063-git"/></presence>
<digitalcircuit> Nope, no mention of the message.
<digitalcircuit> Huh, it's broken with DukGo, too, and I -know- it worked there before.
<digitalcircuit> dx: Last known working was.. a few months ago?
<dx> hmmmmm
<digitalcircuit> Does it work on your machine?
<dx> nope

Some messages trimmed

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