Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1262 duplicate Please allow period (.) in nicks sgunderson@…


I am on an XMPP server where almost everybody is on the form firstname.lastname. However, Bitlbee doesn't allow period (.) in nicks, and they end up as firstnamelastname. I don't see any good reason why not to simply add . to the whitelist. Do you think it could be done?

#1261 invalid While trying to run bitlbee, segfault appears. juuso.jarvisalo@…

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x7f5b2c5a in ?? () (gdb) bt #0 0x7f5b2c5a in ?? () #1 0x7f563aa6 in _start () (gdb)

#1258 fixed Is there a MOTD line limit? Cut off after line 43 in IRC client. anonymous

I'm wondering if there is a line limit hardcoded of 43 in bitlbee. Because in my IRC client - KDE/Konversation - the MOTD shows only up to line 43 and everything beyond is missing.

I created a summary of the most important things as MOTD for a quick reference to avoid clicking through the wiki everytime when I forget something. My MOTD has 137 lines and contains a total of 5986 characters.

If this is the case, where can I find the responsibly code so I can change it by myself. Or is this a limitation in the IRC standard itself?

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