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Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 1098)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#73 wilmer anonymous worksforme Appearing as disconnected when adding a MSN contact

When adding a MSN contact, the othersee you as disconnected. For fixing this, normally I say him to delete me as contact and adding me again, then I accept him and all ok. This is annoying with people that have no clue about computers (and it's a sci-fi thing for them removing and adding a contact).

This is an old problem, even occours actually in

#80 wilmer wf.bitlbee@… invalid Add setting to hide MSN6 buddy image messages

It's getting pretty old, pretty fast to see the control channel get filled with three status messages about MSN buddy images (not downloading from X because cached, then X downloaded mine, then buddy image successfully sent to X). Can we get a "set msn_buddyimage_notifications" to optionally toggle these messages off?

#81 Jelmer Vernooij benhiller@… fixed Unable to access AIM group chats

It would be a great feature if you could access AIM group chats. Since you have MSN chats it must be possible.

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