Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#332 anonymous invalid cant add & lost blist.

account list

<root> 0. OSCAR, ak18rabbit on (connected) <root> 1. YAHOO, i18rabbit (connecting) <root> 2. MSN, i18rabbit@… (connected) <root> End of account list

add 1 nicegwapa

<root> That account is not on-line

blist all

<root> Nick User/Host/Network Status <root> 0 buddies (0 available, 0 away, 0 offline)

i can't add a 'buddy', and my 'blist' is gone. since the update that occurred on or about Thu Nov 29 03:30:34 AKST 2007

#464 anonymous invalid Can't save accounts

I can't safe my account currently.

10:39 <@tws> account list 10:39 <@root> 0. msn, fsidler@… (connected) 10:39 <@root> End of account list 10:39 <@tws> save 10:39 <@root> Please create an account first

The version is whatever version is currently running. :)

#486 sejo@… duplicate sending ctrl+<char> with bitlbee disconnects

sending an special char makes the client disconnect to the server with error (shown below). This is imho a blocker.

12:50:18 <@root> jabber(sejo@…) - Error: Stream error: xml-not-well-formed 12:50:18 <@root> jabber(sejo@…) - Signing off.. 13:03:21 < zibri> sejo: can confirm Ikarus 13:03:30 < zibri> 13:01:53 <@root> jabber - Error: Stream error: xml-not-well-formed issyl0 13:03:30 < zibri> 13:01:53 <@root> jabber - Signing off.. ivan` 13:03:30 < zibri> 13:01:53 <@root> jabber - Error: Short write() to server zibri (irc#oftc) confirmed:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.