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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#721 geert TauPan fixed Add short numerical ids to tweets, for easy replying/retweeting of individual tweets

help set commands tells me I can reply/retweet individual tweets by their id, however the (long) is only displayed on the web interface, and if I'm already there, I can just as well use it to retweet or reply.

I'd like to configure a format string for each tweet, with expandos for %i - id, %t - tweet or something like that (maybe also %c for client, %d for date if not equal to the timestamp).

So with tweet_format ="<%i> %t" I'd get:

friend: <12> Check out, it has twitter support!
dude: <13> I'm bored.
friend: <14> Status: Yawning @dude

I can "rt 12" to retweet the more interesting tweet.

Verbatim of our conversation on irc:

12:47       TauPan > hi... I can't find a lot of documentation about nick_format anywhere. I'd like to see the ids of tweets in my twitter "home/timeline" group chat, preferably at the start
                     of each tweet, so I can reply/rt certain ids.
12:47        Willd > wilmer:  yupp
12:49        Willd > I really ought to get out of bed..
12:50 = bbommarito [] quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
12:51        Flexo > TauPan: that's not what nick_format is for; currently the only way to get tweet IDs is via the web interface, but you might want to look at 'help set commands' for
                     retweet/reply functionality
12:52       TauPan > "the web interface"? you mean the one on
12:52       TauPan > yeah, help set commands tells me I can rt <id> and reply to an id, but it's not displayed anywhere
12:53       TauPan > So if I want to rt your next-to-last tweet, I need to use the web interface anyway.
12:53        Flexo > Yes.
12:53       TauPan > ok
12:53       wilmer > TauPan: Yeah, it's like that at least for now. Showing IDs in every line will look extremely ugly IMHO.
12:53       wilmer > At that point IRC has lost and one needs to use a more suitable UI.
12:54       TauPan > twirrsi translates the ids to shorter numerical ones between 1 and 99
12:54       TauPan > so you can target that number of tweets from a user, without using a long hex-string or something
12:55        Flexo > the problem there is that you have to keep a mapping between them, which adds some overhead.
12:55       TauPan > sure
12:56       wilmer > TauPan: That's a pretty decent idea. IT requires some caching though, although that's only something like 800 bytes per connection. Not that bad.
12:57      bitkid_ > Nihplod: LOL!!!
12:57        Flexo > If you add that, could you make it an option as to whether it's displayed or not? I'd prefer to keep my twitter window neater :)
12:57       TauPan > I'd like it as an optional format expando or something.
12:57      bitkid_ > Nihplod: (that was at the IKEA image)
12:58       TauPan > message_format = [%i] %t or something
12:58       TauPan > %i being the id, %t the message or so
12:58       TauPan > Flexo: I agree, something like this should not be the default.
13:00       TauPan > wilmer: the tweet-ids from 1-99 are per-contact in twirssi, so I guess that would require a bit more than 800 bytes for some people... but probably a total of 99
                     tweet-ids should be enough for most people.
13:00       wilmer > Flexo: Yeah, I don't really want it either.
13:01       wilmer > The problem is BTW, for replies you also have to cache the user who posted that id.
13:01       wilmer > Certainly not going to do 100 id's per contact.
13:01        Flexo > If you did the numbering across the board rather than per user, you could optionally use 'rt <number>' instead of 'rt <nick>'
13:02        Flexo > assuming twitter doesn't allow all-numeric usernames
13:02       wilmer > TauPan: In general I don't want to go too far to stretch IRC into fitting around Twitter. If some things just become to hackish or depend on IRC client scripts, we've
                     already lost.
13:02       wilmer > They do. \o/
13:02        Flexo > blast :)
13:02       TauPan > apparently it does!/123
13:03       TauPan > wilmer: I understand... I also have to say that I would not use this feature very often... just once in a while... maybe every second day or so?
13:04       TauPan > so going to the web for retweeting that clever tweet from last night is kind of ok
13:08 + Whoopi [] joined #bitlbee
13:10       wilmer > TauPan: Exactly. I generally believe people who want all features should use dedicated clients. Multi-protocol clients usually only offer the more common functionality.
13:10       wilmer > But the [00..99] idea seems reasonable, feel free to file a bug and maybe some day I'll get to it.
13:10        Flexo > I tried Tweet Deck the other day, suddenly all these random hashtags people make up all make sense.
13:11       TauPan > wilmer: is it ok if I paste this conversation into the ticket?
13:12       TauPan > (*after* a concise description of course)
13:12       wilmer > Sure. Just make sure you preview it to see if trac doesn't screw up the layout :-)
13:14       TauPan > I'm used to trac, fortunately.
13:17        Flexo > oh, I just noticed why everyone's asking about how to fetch the ID. Hadn't noticed the ID was a valid argument for undo and rt.
#731 jbarbero@… fixed Allow implementation to be chosen per protocol or per account

Moving from #272 on Wilmer's suggestion.

I'd love to be able to select between the built-in (libgaim?) and the libpurple implementations per protocol or even per account.

Basically, I use Bitlbee for all IM needs, but recently at work more and more people have started using office communicator system instead of AIM. I don't much like it, and wouldn't use it, but we've been required to use it for some things. I use the third-party sipe libpurple module for pidgin, but I'd love it if I could use bitlbee for this. I could just run bitlbee with --purple enabled, but I trust bitlbee's implementations more, plus it's far better tested. So this is just a really wishlist-kind of request, and I imagine it can't be very easy. I gather from Wilmer's comment that it's tricky to do, so I'm just noting this as something that would be nice.

Thanks again for Bitlbee! It's the best thing since sliced bread...

Also, if you think I could help with this, let me know. I've done a lot of C in the past, but I have no idea how approachable the task would be for an outside, or what design considerations impede it.

#879 hugues.lismonde@… wontfix Support for tweetmarker

Supporting would be great. Marking the last fetched as read would be more than enough but more control over it wouldn't hurt (although I don't IRC can provide anything regarding read status).

Thanks, Hugues

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