Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#53 Jelmer Vernooij Clojster obsolete Remote encoding...

Hi, it'd be great if BitlBee will support changing remote charset. Because not all users on ICQ uses UTF-8, so conversion to my localcharset produces messy text. To be more specific - I'd like to change charset in which the BitleBee will receive messages. (CP1250 in my case as most of my friends uses windows). Another level would be to change remote charset per user/group etc...

#54 anonymous duplicate Groupchat support for jabber

This would be cool.

#59 jsuelwald@… fixed Idle Time


a whois on a online nick should show a kind of idle time which shows how many seconds ago a person sent a message to you.

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