Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#47 wilmer anonymous wontfix MSN buddylist extra details

as seen in the msn patch (listed on the bitlbee mainpage as link) who has you on there buddylist and isn't on yours and vice versa (emonicon receiving/sending and photo recieving/seinding isn't interresting)

#50 yath wontfix Patch to register SIGUSR1 for reconnecting all


I wrote a patch against bitlbee 1.0 which extends bitlbee by a signal handler for SIGUSR1. When bitlbee (with this patch :)) receives this signal, it reconnects all active connections on all connected clients. This is useful for, e.g., placing a "killall -USR1 bitlbee" in /etc/ppp/ip-up or similiar, as bitlbee's oscar module only notices connection loss after some time.

#52 Jelmer Vernooij fixed Showing disconnects as netsplits

It'd be nice to show disconnects from remote IM servers as netsplits. Perhaps also fake a WALLOP with the reason for the disconnect?

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