Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#41 Jelmer Vernooij anonymous fixed Ability to ignore annoying AOL BOTS

AOL added two new bots called "MovieFone" and "ShoppingBuddy". bitlbee reports:

15:28 <@root> serv_got_update() for unknown TOC handle MovieFone:
15:28 <@root> loggedin = 1, type = 34
15:28 <@root> serv_got_update() for unknown TOC handle ShoppingBuddy:
15:28 <@root> loggedin = 1, type = 34

Would be nice to ignore unknown handles without having to add them as buddies and then set /ignore <nick>.

#42 f0rked duplicate Support for "stale" typing notifications

There is an intermediate typing stage which I'll call the "stale" state. This occurs when a user has stopped typing (indicated by a timeout), but there is still text in the input field/box. In Gaim, staleness is indicated by the user's tab being highlighted in yellow (whereas green indicates the user is actively typing). Could this be added to bitlbee, for both incoming and outgoing messages? Perhaps a /ctcp <nick> TYPING 2 to indicate staleness?

#44 anonymous duplicate Encryption support

It would be really nice to have some kind of encryption support, so conversations do not need to be transfered as plain text. Preferably compatible with other IM clients.

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