Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#24 bkhl@… fixed Do something with usermodes, or leave them out

If I do

/mode NICK +i

where NICK is my own BitlBee nick, the mode i is set, but apparently it doesn't do anything.

Either this shouldn't be possible, or +i should actually do something. I guess it would be natural to have it set invisibility mode for those protocols that have it.

A related problem is that

/mode NICK

doesn't report the user mode.

#27 Dataforce duplicate Show who invited you into group conversations

It would be nice if upon joining a group conversation, root would let you know who invited you to join

#32 anonymous obsolete Manually reading users' away messages

I would like a command to manually retrieve people's away messages, on ICQ and possibly other networks that support this.

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