#!/usr/bin/python import collections import logging import threading import time import yowsup from yowsup.layers.auth import YowAuthenticationProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_acks import YowAckProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_chatstate import YowChatstateProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_contacts import YowContactsIqProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_groups import YowGroupsProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_ib import YowIbProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq import YowIqProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_messages import YowMessagesProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_notifications import YowNotificationsProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence import YowPresenceProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_privacy import YowPrivacyProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_profiles import YowProfilesProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_receipts import YowReceiptProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.network import YowNetworkLayer from yowsup.layers.coder import YowCoderLayer from yowsup.stacks import YowStack, YowStackBuilder from yowsup.common import YowConstants from yowsup.layers import YowLayerEvent from yowsup.stacks import YowStack, YOWSUP_CORE_LAYERS from yowsup import env from yowsup.layers.interface import YowInterfaceLayer, ProtocolEntityCallback from yowsup.layers.protocol_acks.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_chatstate.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_contacts.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_groups.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_ib.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_media.mediauploader import MediaUploader from yowsup.layers.protocol_media.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_messages.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_notifications.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_privacy.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_profiles.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.protocol_receipts.protocolentities import * from yowsup.layers.axolotl.protocolentities.iq_key_get import GetKeysIqProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.axolotl import YowAxolotlLayer from yowsup.common.tools import ModuleTools import implugin logger = logging.getLogger("yowsup.layers.network.layer") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(ch) # Yowsup starts an entire THREAD just to do pings. I'll do them myself TYVM. from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq.layer import YowPingThread YowPingThread.start = lambda x: None # Tried this but yowsup is not passing back the result, will have to update the library. :-( class GetStatusIqProtocolEntity(IqProtocolEntity): def __init__(self, jids=None): super(GetStatusIqProtocolEntity, self).__init__("status", None, _type="get", to="s.whatsapp.net") self.jids = jids or [] def toProtocolTreeNode(self): from yowsup.structs import ProtocolTreeNode node = super(GetStatusIqProtocolEntity, self).toProtocolTreeNode() sr = ProtocolTreeNode("status") node.addChild(sr) for jid in self.jids: sr.addChild(ProtocolTreeNode("user", {"jid": jid})) return node class BitlBeeLayer(YowInterfaceLayer): def __init__(self, *a, **kwa): super(BitlBeeLayer, self).__init__(*a, **kwa) def receive(self, entity): print "Received: %r" % entity #print entity super(BitlBeeLayer, self).receive(entity) def Ship(self, entity): """Send an entity into Yowsup, but through the correct thread.""" print "Queueing: %s" % entity.getTag() #print entity def doit(): self.toLower(entity) self.getStack().execDetached(doit) @ProtocolEntityCallback("success") def onSuccess(self, entity): self.b = self.getStack().getProp("org.bitlbee.Bijtje") self.cb = self.b.bee self.b.yow = self self.cb.log("Authenticated, syncing contact list") # We're done once this set is empty. self.todo = set(["contacts", "groups"]) # Supposedly WA can also do national-style phone numbers without # a + prefix BTW (relative to I guess the user's country?). I # don't want to support this at least for now. numbers = [("+" + x.split("@")[0]) for x in self.cb.get_local_contacts()] self.toLower(GetSyncIqProtocolEntity(numbers)) self.toLower(ListGroupsIqProtocolEntity()) try: self.toLower(PresenceProtocolEntity(name=self.b.setting("name"))) except KeyError: pass def check_connected(self, done): if self.todo is None: return self.todo.remove(done) if not self.todo: self.todo = None self.cb.connected() @ProtocolEntityCallback("failure") def onFailure(self, entity): self.b = self.getStack().getProp("org.bitlbee.Bijtje") self.cb = self.b.bee self.cb.error(entity.getReason()) self.cb.logout(False) def onEvent(self, event): # TODO: Make this work without, hmm, over-recursing. (This handler # getting called when we initiated the disconnect, which upsets yowsup.) if event.getName() == "orgopenwhatsapp.yowsup.event.network.disconnected": self.cb.error(event.getArg("reason")) self.cb.logout(True) self.getStack().execDetached(self.daemon.StopDaemon) else: print "Received event: %s name %s" % (event, event.getName()) @ProtocolEntityCallback("presence") def onPresence(self, pres): if pres.getFrom() == self.b.account["user"]: # WA returns our own presence. Meh. return status = 8 # MOBILE if pres.getType() != "unavailable": status |= 1 # ONLINE self.cb.buddy_status(pres.getFrom(), status, None, None) try: # Last online time becomes idle time which I guess is # sane enough? self.cb.buddy_times(pres.getFrom(), 0, int(pres.getLast())) except (ValueError, TypeError): # Could be "error" or, more likely, "deny", or None. pass @ProtocolEntityCallback("message") def onMessage(self, msg): if hasattr(msg, "getBody"): text = msg.getBody() elif hasattr(msg, "getCaption") and hasattr(msg, "getMediaUrl"): lines = [] if msg.getMediaUrl(): lines.append(msg.getMediaUrl()) else: lines.append("") if msg.getCaption(): lines.append(msg.getCaption()) text = "\n".join(lines) if msg.getParticipant(): group = self.b.groups[msg.getFrom()] if "id" in group: self.cb.chat_msg(group["id"], msg.getParticipant(), text, 0, msg.getTimestamp()) else: self.cb.log("Warning: Activity in room %s" % msg.getFrom()) self.b.groups[msg.getFrom()].setdefault("queue", []).append(msg) else: self.cb.buddy_msg(msg.getFrom(), text, 0, msg.getTimestamp()) # ACK is required! So only use return above in case of errors. # (So that we will/might get a retry after restarting.) self.toLower(OutgoingReceiptProtocolEntity(msg.getId(), msg.getFrom())) @ProtocolEntityCallback("receipt") def onReceipt(self, entity): ack = OutgoingAckProtocolEntity(entity.getId(), entity.getTag(), entity.getType(), entity.getFrom()) self.toLower(ack) @ProtocolEntityCallback("iq") def onIq(self, entity): if isinstance(entity, ResultSyncIqProtocolEntity): return self.onSyncResult(entity) elif isinstance(entity, ListParticipantsResultIqProtocolEntity): return self.b.chat_join_participants(entity) elif isinstance(entity, ListGroupsResultIqProtocolEntity): return self.onListGroupsResult(entity) def onSyncResult(self, entity): # TODO HERE AND ELSEWHERE: Thread idiocy happens when going # from here to the IMPlugin. Check how bjsonrpc lets me solve that. for num, jid in entity.inNumbers.iteritems(): self.toLower(SubscribePresenceProtocolEntity(jid)) self.cb.add_buddy(jid, "") if entity.outNumbers: self.cb.error("Not on WhatsApp: %s" % ", ".join(entity.outNumbers.keys())) if entity.invalidNumbers: self.cb.error("Invalid numbers: %s" % ", ".join(entity.invalidNumbers.keys())) # Disabled since yowsup won't give us the result... if entity.inNumbers and False: self.toLower(GetStatusIqProtocolEntity(entity.inNumbers.values())) self.todo.add("statuses") self.check_connected("contacts") def onListGroupsResult(self, groups): """Save group info for later if the user decides to join.""" for g in groups.getGroups(): jid = g.getId() if "@" not in jid: jid += "@g.us" group = self.b.groups[jid] # Save it. We're going to mix ListGroups elements and # Group-Subject notifications there, which don't have # consistent fieldnames for the same bits of info \o/ g.getSubjectTimestamp = g.getSubjectTime group["topic"] = g self.check_connected("groups") @ProtocolEntityCallback("notification") def onNotification(self, ent): if isinstance(ent, StatusNotificationProtocolEntity): return self.onStatusNotification(ent) elif isinstance(ent, SubjectGroupsNotificationProtocolEntity): return self.onGroupSubjectNotification(ent) def onStatusNotification(self, status): print "New status for %s: %s" % (status.getFrom(), status.status) self.bee.buddy_status_msg(status.getFrom(), status.status) def onGroupSubjectNotification(self, sub): print "New /topic for %s: %s" % (sub.getFrom(), sub.getSubject()) group = self.b.groups[sub.getFrom()] group["topic"] = sub id = group.get("id", None) if id is not None: self.cb.chat_topic(id, sub.getSubjectOwner(), sub.getSubject(), sub.getSubjectTimestamp()) @ProtocolEntityCallback("media") def onMedia(self, med): """Your PC better be MPC3 compliant!""" print "YAY MEDIA! %r" % med print med #@ProtocolEntityCallback("chatstate") #def onChatstate(self, entity): # print(entity) class YowsupDaemon(threading.Thread): daemon = True stack = None class Terminate(Exception): pass def run(self): try: self.stack.loop(timeout=0.2, discrete=0.2, count=1) except YowsupDaemon.Terminate: print "Exiting loop!" pass def StopDaemon(self): # Ugly, but yowsup offers no "run single iteration" version # of their event loop :-( raise YowsupDaemon.Terminate class YowsupIMPlugin(implugin.BitlBeeIMPlugin): NAME = "wa" SETTINGS = { "cc": { # Country code. Seems to be required for registration only. "type": "int", }, "name": { "flags": 0x100, # NULL_OK }, } AWAY_STATES = ["Away"] ACCOUNT_FLAGS = 14 # HANDLE_DOMAINS + STATUS_MESSAGE + LOCAL_CONTACTS # TODO: HANDLE_DOMAIN in right place (add ... ... nick bug) def login(self, account): self.stack = self.build_stack(account) self.daemon = YowsupDaemon(name="yowsup") self.daemon.stack = self.stack self.daemon.start() self.bee.log("Started yowsup thread") self.groups = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.groups_by_id = {} def keepalive(self): # Too noisy while debugging # WTF yowsup is SPAWNING A THREAD just for this. Figure out # how to kill that nonsense. pass #self.yow.Ship(PingIqProtocolEntity(to="s.whatsapp.net")) def logout(self): self.stack.broadcastEvent(YowLayerEvent(YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_DISCONNECT)) self.stack.execDetached(self.daemon.StopDaemon) def buddy_msg(self, to, text, flags): msg = TextMessageProtocolEntity(text, to=to) self.yow.Ship(msg) def add_buddy(self, handle, _group): self.yow.Ship(GetSyncIqProtocolEntity( ["+" + handle.split("@")[0]], mode=GetSyncIqProtocolEntity.MODE_DELTA)) def remove_buddy(self, handle, _group): self.yow.Ship(UnsubscribePresenceProtocolEntity(handle)) def set_away(self, state, status): print "Trying to set status to %r, %r" % (state, status) if state: # Only one option offered so None = available, not None = away. self.yow.Ship(AvailablePresenceProtocolEntity()) else: self.yow.Ship(UnavailablePresenceProtocolEntity()) if status: self.yow.Ship(SetStatusIqProtocolEntity(status)) def set_set_name(self, _key, value): self.yow.Ship(PresenceProtocolEntity(name=value)) def chat_join(self, id, name, _nick, _password, settings): print "New chat created with id: %d" % id group = self.groups[name] group.update({"id": id, "name": name}) self.groups_by_id[id] = group gi = group.get("topic", None) if gi: self.bee.chat_topic(id, gi.getSubjectOwner(), gi.getSubject(), gi.getSubjectTimestamp()) # WA doesn't really have a concept of joined or not, just # long-term membership. Let's just sync state (we have # basic info but not yet a member list) and ACK the join # once that's done. self.yow.Ship(ParticipantsGroupsIqProtocolEntity(name)) def chat_join_participants(self, entity): group = self.groups[entity.getFrom()] id = group["id"] for p in entity.getParticipants(): if p != self.account["user"]: self.bee.chat_add_buddy(id, p) # Add the user themselves last to avoid a visible join flood. self.bee.chat_add_buddy(id, self.account["user"]) for msg in group.setdefault("queue", []): self.bee.chat_msg(group["id"], msg.getParticipant(), msg.getBody(), 0, msg.getTimestamp()) del group["queue"] def chat_msg(self, id, text, flags): msg = TextMessageProtocolEntity(text, to=self.groups_by_id[id]["name"]) self.yow.Ship(msg) def chat_leave(self, id): # WA never really let us leave, so just disconnect id and jid. group = self.groups_by_id[id] del self.groups_by_id[id] del group["id"] def build_stack(self, account): self.account = account creds = (account["user"].split("@")[0], account["pass"]) stack = (YowStackBuilder() .pushDefaultLayers(False) .push(BitlBeeLayer) .build()) stack.setProp(YowAuthenticationProtocolLayer.PROP_CREDENTIALS, creds) stack.setProp(YowNetworkLayer.PROP_ENDPOINT, YowConstants.ENDPOINTS[0]) stack.setProp(YowCoderLayer.PROP_DOMAIN, YowConstants.DOMAIN) stack.setProp(YowCoderLayer.PROP_RESOURCE, env.CURRENT_ENV.getResource()) stack.setProp("org.bitlbee.Bijtje", self) stack.broadcastEvent(YowLayerEvent(YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_CONNECT)) return stack implugin.RunPlugin(YowsupIMPlugin, debug=True)