/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2010 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* Some glue to put the IRC and the IM stuff together. */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bitlbee.h" #include "dcc.h" /* IM->IRC callbacks: Simple IM/buddy-related stuff. */ static const struct irc_user_funcs irc_user_im_funcs; static gboolean bee_irc_user_new( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_user_t *iu; irc_t *irc = (irc_t*) bee->ui_data; char nick[MAX_NICK_LENGTH+1], *s; memset( nick, 0, MAX_NICK_LENGTH + 1 ); strcpy( nick, nick_get( bu->ic->acc, bu->handle ) ); bu->ui_data = iu = irc_user_new( irc, nick ); iu->bu = bu; if( ( s = strchr( bu->handle, '@' ) ) ) { iu->host = g_strdup( s + 1 ); iu->user = g_strndup( bu->handle, s - bu->handle ); } else if( bu->ic->acc->server ) { iu->host = g_strdup( bu->ic->acc->server ); iu->user = g_strdup( bu->handle ); /* s/ /_/ ... important for AOL screennames */ for( s = iu->user; *s; s ++ ) if( *s == ' ' ) *s = '_'; } else { iu->host = g_strdup( bu->ic->acc->prpl->name ); iu->user = g_strdup( bu->handle ); } if( bu->flags & BEE_USER_LOCAL ) { char *s = set_getstr( &bee->set, "handle_unknown" ); if( strcmp( s, "add_private" ) == 0 ) iu->last_channel = NULL; else if( strcmp( s, "add_channel" ) == 0 ) iu->last_channel = irc->default_channel; } iu->f = &irc_user_im_funcs; return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_free( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu ) { return irc_user_free( bee->ui_data, (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data ); } static gboolean bee_irc_user_status( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, bee_user_t *old ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_user_t *iu = bu->ui_data; /* Do this outside the if below since away state can change without the online state changing. */ iu->flags &= ~IRC_USER_AWAY; if( bu->flags & BEE_USER_AWAY || !( bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) ) iu->flags |= IRC_USER_AWAY; if( ( bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) != ( old->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) ) { if( bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) { if( g_hash_table_lookup( irc->watches, iu->key ) ) irc_send_num( irc, 600, "%s %s %s %d :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, (int) time( NULL ), "logged online" ); } else { if( g_hash_table_lookup( irc->watches, iu->key ) ) irc_send_num( irc, 601, "%s %s %s %d :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, (int) time( NULL ), "logged offline" ); } } /* Reset this one since the info may have changed. */ iu->away_reply_timeout = 0; bee_irc_channel_update( irc, NULL, iu ); return TRUE; } void bee_irc_channel_update( irc_t *irc, irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { struct irc_control_channel *icc; GSList *l; gboolean show; if( ic == NULL ) { for( l = irc->channels; l; l = l->next ) { ic = l->data; /* TODO: Just add a type flag or so.. */ if( ic->f == irc->default_channel->f ) bee_irc_channel_update( irc, ic, iu ); } return; } if( iu == NULL ) { for( l = irc->users; l; l = l->next ) { iu = l->data; if( iu->bu ) bee_irc_channel_update( irc, ic, l->data ); } return; } icc = ic->data; if( !( iu->bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) ) show = FALSE; else if( icc->type == IRC_CC_TYPE_DEFAULT ) show = TRUE; else if( icc->type == IRC_CC_TYPE_GROUP ) show = iu->bu->group == icc->group; else if( icc->type == IRC_CC_TYPE_ACCOUNT ) show = iu->bu->ic->acc == icc->account; if( !show ) { irc_channel_del_user( ic, iu, FALSE, NULL ); } else { irc_channel_add_user( ic, iu ); if( set_getbool( &irc->b->set, "away_devoice" ) ) irc_channel_user_set_mode( ic, iu, ( iu->bu->flags & BEE_USER_AWAY ) ? 0 : IRC_CHANNEL_USER_VOICE ); else irc_channel_user_set_mode( ic, iu, 0 ); } } static gboolean bee_irc_user_msg( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *msg, time_t sent_at ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_user_t *iu = (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data; char *dst, *prefix = NULL; char *wrapped, *ts = NULL; if( sent_at > 0 && set_getbool( &irc->b->set, "display_timestamps" ) ) ts = irc_format_timestamp( irc, sent_at ); if( iu->last_channel ) { dst = iu->last_channel->name; prefix = g_strdup_printf( "%s%s%s", irc->user->nick, set_getstr( &bee->set, "to_char" ), ts ? : "" ); } else { dst = irc->user->nick; prefix = ts; ts = NULL; } wrapped = word_wrap( msg, 425 ); irc_send_msg( iu, "PRIVMSG", dst, wrapped, prefix ); g_free( wrapped ); g_free( prefix ); g_free( ts ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_typing( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, uint32_t flags ) { irc_t *irc = (irc_t *) bee->ui_data; if( set_getbool( &bee->set, "typing_notice" ) ) irc_send_msg_f( (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data, "PRIVMSG", irc->user->nick, "\001TYPING %d\001", ( flags >> 8 ) & 3 ); else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_nick_hint( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *hint ); static gboolean bee_irc_user_fullname( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_user_t *iu = (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data; irc_t *irc = (irc_t *) bee->ui_data; char *s; if( iu->fullname != iu->nick ) g_free( iu->fullname ); iu->fullname = g_strdup( bu->fullname ); /* Strip newlines (unlikely, but IRC-unfriendly so they must go) TODO(wilmer): Do the same with away msgs again! */ for( s = iu->fullname; *s; s ++ ) if( isspace( *s ) ) *s = ' '; if( ( bu->ic->flags & OPT_LOGGED_IN ) && set_getbool( &bee->set, "display_namechanges" ) ) { char *msg = g_strdup_printf( "<< \002BitlBee\002 - Changed name to `%s' >>", iu->fullname ); irc_send_msg( iu, "NOTICE", irc->user->nick, msg, NULL ); } s = set_getstr( &bu->ic->acc->set, "nick_source" ); if( strcmp( s, "handle" ) != 0 ) { char *name = g_strdup( bu->fullname ); if( strcmp( s, "first_name" ) == 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; name[i] && !isspace( name[i] ); i ++ ) {} name[i] = '\0'; } bee_irc_user_nick_hint( bee, bu, name ); g_free( name ); } return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_nick_hint( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *hint ) { irc_user_t *iu = bu->ui_data; char newnick[MAX_NICK_LENGTH+1], *translit; if( bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) /* Ignore if the user is visible already. */ return TRUE; if( nick_saved( bu->ic->acc, bu->handle ) ) /* The user already assigned a nickname to this person. */ return TRUE; /* Credits to Josay_ in #bitlbee for this idea. //TRANSLIT should do lossy/approximate conversions, so letters with accents don't just get stripped. Note that it depends on LC_CTYPE being set to something other than C/POSIX. */ translit = g_convert( hint, -1, "ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL ); strncpy( newnick, translit ? : hint, MAX_NICK_LENGTH ); newnick[MAX_NICK_LENGTH] = 0; g_free( translit ); /* Some processing to make sure this string is a valid IRC nickname. */ nick_strip( newnick ); if( set_getbool( &bee->set, "lcnicks" ) ) nick_lc( newnick ); if( strcmp( iu->nick, newnick ) != 0 ) { /* Only do this if newnick is different from the current one. If rejoining a channel, maybe we got this nick already (and dedupe would only add an underscore. */ nick_dedupe( bu->ic->acc, bu->handle, newnick ); irc_user_set_nick( iu, newnick ); } return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_group( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_user_t *iu = (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data; irc_t *irc = (irc_t *) bee->ui_data; bee_irc_channel_update( irc, NULL, iu ); return TRUE; } /* IRC->IM calls */ static gboolean bee_irc_user_privmsg_cb( gpointer data, gint fd, b_input_condition cond ); static gboolean bee_irc_user_privmsg( irc_user_t *iu, const char *msg ) { const char *away; if( iu->bu == NULL ) return FALSE; if( ( away = irc_user_get_away( iu ) ) && time( NULL ) >= iu->away_reply_timeout ) { irc_send_num( iu->irc, 301, "%s :%s", iu->nick, away ); iu->away_reply_timeout = time( NULL ) + set_getint( &iu->irc->b->set, "away_reply_timeout" ); } if( set_getbool( &iu->irc->b->set, "paste_buffer" ) ) { int delay; if( iu->pastebuf == NULL ) iu->pastebuf = g_string_new( msg ); else { b_event_remove( iu->pastebuf_timer ); g_string_append_printf( iu->pastebuf, "\n%s", msg ); } if( ( delay = set_getint( &iu->irc->b->set, "paste_buffer_delay" ) ) <= 5 ) delay *= 1000; iu->pastebuf_timer = b_timeout_add( delay, bee_irc_user_privmsg_cb, iu ); return TRUE; } else return bee_user_msg( iu->irc->b, iu->bu, msg, 0 ); } static gboolean bee_irc_user_privmsg_cb( gpointer data, gint fd, b_input_condition cond ) { irc_user_t *iu = data; bee_user_msg( iu->irc->b, iu->bu, iu->pastebuf->str, 0 ); g_string_free( iu->pastebuf, TRUE ); iu->pastebuf = 0; iu->pastebuf_timer = 0; return FALSE; } static gboolean bee_irc_user_ctcp( irc_user_t *iu, char *const *ctcp ) { if( ctcp[1] && g_strcasecmp( ctcp[0], "DCC" ) == 0 && g_strcasecmp( ctcp[1], "SEND" ) == 0 ) { if( iu->bu && iu->bu->ic && iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->transfer_request ) { file_transfer_t *ft = dcc_request( iu->bu->ic, ctcp ); if ( ft ) iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->transfer_request( iu->bu->ic, ft, iu->bu->handle ); return TRUE; } } else if( g_strcasecmp( ctcp[0], "TYPING" ) == 0 ) { if( iu->bu && iu->bu->ic && iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->send_typing && ctcp[1] ) { int st = ctcp[1][0]; if( st >= '0' && st <= '2' ) { st <<= 8; iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->send_typing( iu->bu->ic, iu->bu->handle, st ); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static const struct irc_user_funcs irc_user_im_funcs = { bee_irc_user_privmsg, bee_irc_user_ctcp, }; /* IM->IRC: Groupchats */ const struct irc_channel_funcs irc_channel_im_chat_funcs; static gboolean bee_irc_chat_new( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_channel_t *ic; char *topic; GSList *l; int i; /* Try to find a channel that expects to receive a groupchat. This flag is set by groupchat_stub_invite(). */ for( l = irc->channels; l; l = l->next ) { ic = l->data; if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME ) break; } /* If we found none, just generate some stupid name. */ if( l == NULL ) for( i = 0; i <= 999; i ++ ) { char name[16]; sprintf( name, "#chat_%03d", i ); if( ( ic = irc_channel_new( irc, name ) ) ) break; } if( ic == NULL ) return FALSE; c->ui_data = ic; ic->data = c; topic = g_strdup_printf( "BitlBee groupchat: \"%s\". Please keep in mind that root-commands won't work here. Have fun!", c->title ); irc_channel_set_topic( ic, topic, irc->root ); g_free( topic ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_free( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c ) { irc_channel_t *ic = c->ui_data; if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) irc_channel_printf( ic, "Cleaning up channel, bye!" ); /* irc_channel_free( ic ); */ irc_channel_del_user( ic, ic->irc->user, FALSE, "Chatroom closed by server" ); ic->data = NULL; return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_log( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *text ) { irc_channel_t *ic = c->ui_data; irc_channel_printf( ic, "%s", text ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_msg( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu, const char *msg, time_t sent_at ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_user_t *iu = bu->ui_data; irc_channel_t *ic = c->ui_data; char *ts = NULL; if( sent_at > 0 && set_getbool( &bee->set, "display_timestamps" ) ) ts = irc_format_timestamp( irc, sent_at ); irc_send_msg( iu, "PRIVMSG", ic->name, msg, ts ); g_free( ts ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_add_user( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_channel_add_user( c->ui_data, bu == bee->user ? irc->user : bu->ui_data ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_remove_user( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_channel_del_user( c->ui_data, bu == bee->user ? irc->user : bu->ui_data, FALSE, NULL ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_topic( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *new, bee_user_t *bu ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_user_t *iu; if( bu == NULL ) iu = irc->root; else if( bu == bee->user ) iu = irc->user; else iu = bu->ui_data; irc_channel_set_topic( c->ui_data, new, iu ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_chat_name_hint( bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *name ) { irc_t *irc = bee->ui_data; irc_channel_t *ic = c->ui_data; char stripped[MAX_NICK_LENGTH+1], *full_name; /* Don't rename a channel if the user's in it already. */ if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) return FALSE; strncpy( stripped, name, MAX_NICK_LENGTH ); stripped[MAX_NICK_LENGTH] = '\0'; irc_channel_name_strip( stripped ); if( set_getbool( &bee->set, "lcnicks" ) ) nick_lc( stripped ); full_name = g_strdup_printf( "#%s", stripped ); if( stripped[0] && irc_channel_by_name( irc, full_name ) == NULL ) { g_free( ic->name ); ic->name = full_name; } else { g_free( full_name ); } return TRUE; } /* IRC->IM */ static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_privmsg_cb( gpointer data, gint fd, b_input_condition cond ); static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_privmsg( irc_channel_t *ic, const char *msg ) { struct groupchat *c = ic->data; if( c == NULL ) return FALSE; else if( set_getbool( &ic->irc->b->set, "paste_buffer" ) ) { int delay; if( ic->pastebuf == NULL ) ic->pastebuf = g_string_new( msg ); else { b_event_remove( ic->pastebuf_timer ); g_string_append_printf( ic->pastebuf, "\n%s", msg ); } if( ( delay = set_getint( &ic->irc->b->set, "paste_buffer_delay" ) ) <= 5 ) delay *= 1000; ic->pastebuf_timer = b_timeout_add( delay, bee_irc_channel_chat_privmsg_cb, ic ); return TRUE; } else bee_chat_msg( ic->irc->b, c, msg, 0 ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_privmsg_cb( gpointer data, gint fd, b_input_condition cond ) { irc_channel_t *ic = data; bee_chat_msg( ic->irc->b, ic->data, ic->pastebuf->str, 0 ); g_string_free( ic->pastebuf, TRUE ); ic->pastebuf = 0; ic->pastebuf_timer = 0; return FALSE; } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_join( irc_channel_t *ic ) { char *acc_s, *room; account_t *acc; if( strcmp( set_getstr( &ic->set, "chat_type" ), "room" ) != 0 ) return TRUE; if( ( acc_s = set_getstr( &ic->set, "account" ) ) && ( room = set_getstr( &ic->set, "room" ) ) && ( acc = account_get( ic->irc->b, acc_s ) ) && acc->ic && acc->prpl->chat_join ) { char *nick; if( !( nick = set_getstr( &ic->set, "nick" ) ) ) nick = ic->irc->user->nick; ic->flags |= IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; acc->prpl->chat_join( acc->ic, room, nick, NULL ); ic->flags &= ~IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; return FALSE; } else { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 403, "%s :Can't join channel, account offline?", ic->name ); return FALSE; } } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_part( irc_channel_t *ic, const char *msg ) { struct groupchat *c = ic->data; if( c && c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_leave ) c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_leave( c ); return TRUE; } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_topic( irc_channel_t *ic, const char *new ) { struct groupchat *c = ic->data; if( c == NULL ) return FALSE; if( c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_topic == NULL ) irc_send_num( ic->irc, 482, "%s :IM network does not support channel topics", ic->name ); else { /* TODO: Need more const goodness here, sigh */ char *topic = g_strdup( new ); c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_topic( c, topic ); g_free( topic ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_chat_invite( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { struct groupchat *c = ic->data; bee_user_t *bu = iu->bu; if( bu == NULL ) return FALSE; if( c ) { if( iu->bu->ic != c->ic ) irc_send_num( ic->irc, 482, "%s :Can't mix different IM networks in one groupchat", ic->name ); else if( c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_invite ) c->ic->acc->prpl->chat_invite( c, iu->bu->handle, NULL ); else irc_send_num( ic->irc, 482, "%s :IM protocol does not support room invitations", ic->name ); } else if( bu->ic->acc->prpl->chat_with && strcmp( set_getstr( &ic->set, "chat_type" ), "groupchat" ) == 0 ) { ic->flags |= IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->chat_with( bu->ic, bu->handle ); ic->flags &= ~IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; } else { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 482, "%s :IM protocol does not support room invitations", ic->name ); } return TRUE; } static char *set_eval_room_account( set_t *set, char *value ); static gboolean bee_irc_channel_init( irc_channel_t *ic ) { set_add( &ic->set, "account", NULL, set_eval_room_account, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "chat_type", "groupchat", NULL, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "nick", NULL, NULL, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "room", NULL, NULL, ic ); return TRUE; } static char *set_eval_room_account( set_t *set, char *value ) { struct irc_channel *ic = set->data; account_t *acc; if( !( acc = account_get( ic->irc->b, value ) ) ) return SET_INVALID; else if( !acc->prpl->chat_join ) { irc_usermsg( ic->irc, "Named chatrooms not supported on that account." ); return SET_INVALID; } return g_strdup_printf( "%s(%s)", acc->prpl->name, acc->user ); } static gboolean bee_irc_channel_free( irc_channel_t *ic ) { set_del( &ic->set, "account" ); set_del( &ic->set, "chat_type" ); set_del( &ic->set, "nick" ); set_del( &ic->set, "room" ); return TRUE; } const struct irc_channel_funcs irc_channel_im_chat_funcs = { bee_irc_channel_chat_privmsg, bee_irc_channel_chat_join, bee_irc_channel_chat_part, bee_irc_channel_chat_topic, bee_irc_channel_chat_invite, bee_irc_channel_init, bee_irc_channel_free, }; /* IM->IRC: File transfers */ static file_transfer_t *bee_irc_ft_in_start( bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *file_name, size_t file_size ) { return dccs_send_start( bu->ic, (irc_user_t *) bu->ui_data, file_name, file_size ); } static gboolean bee_irc_ft_out_start( struct im_connection *ic, file_transfer_t *ft ) { return dccs_recv_start( ft ); } static void bee_irc_ft_close( struct im_connection *ic, file_transfer_t *ft ) { return dcc_close( ft ); } static void bee_irc_ft_finished( struct im_connection *ic, file_transfer_t *file ) { dcc_file_transfer_t *df = file->priv; if( file->bytes_transferred >= file->file_size ) dcc_finish( file ); else df->proto_finished = TRUE; } const struct bee_ui_funcs irc_ui_funcs = { bee_irc_user_new, bee_irc_user_free, bee_irc_user_fullname, bee_irc_user_nick_hint, bee_irc_user_group, bee_irc_user_status, bee_irc_user_msg, bee_irc_user_typing, bee_irc_chat_new, bee_irc_chat_free, bee_irc_chat_log, bee_irc_chat_msg, bee_irc_chat_add_user, bee_irc_chat_remove_user, bee_irc_chat_topic, bee_irc_chat_name_hint, bee_irc_ft_in_start, bee_irc_ft_out_start, bee_irc_ft_close, bee_irc_ft_finished, };